Core Values

The intention of core values create a belief system of our own principles. When we have something we believe in we can take a stand for it. Our deeds match our words and our sense of self.  This is a key step to self mastery.

We have spent considerable hours formulating this list in a hierarchy.  There is purpose and intention put forth in the arrangement of these values. 

We chose to define them to clarify and increase understanding.

The values are a work in progress and we are open to intellectual debate and upgrades.

When we are living in alignment with our core values it allows us to live in a state of love, when we waiver. The intention is to bring about heaven on earth wherever we are. 


Heaven on Earth looks a little something like:

-We are sovereign, living in harmony, we see the truth, we are striving for more yet enjoying our peace, creating our art, sharing our knowledge, giving our gifts, in a state of joy or love.

1 – Honesty

We believe that honesty means: 

  • The truth that is always known in our heart.
  • Speaking or hearing the truth, will always set us free.
  • When experience large amounts of the “Gift Of Anger” and/or the “Gift Of Discomfort” that the truth often invokes we can use it to create our biggest transformations.
  • We invite all to join us in these beliefs.


2 – Integrity

We believe that Integrity means to:

  • Align with and operate in ways that ensure that our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our emotions are in alignment with our “Heart-Intentions”.
  • Fulfill our commitments.
  • Be responsive or preemptive when alterations occur.
  • Use precision to manage our commitments.
  • Quickly restore our integrity with the value of recovery.
  • We invite all to join us in this way of being.


3 – Kindness

Kindness means that we choose to practice:

  • Treat each other as family, or better. ‘Kindredness’
  • Using our empathy to discern how and when to deliver information.
  • Forgiving immediately upon repentance. 
  • Being receptive to an upgraded meaning of kindness.


4 – Fun

Fun means to us that we choose to practice:

  • Re-creating our projects, tasks, and activities with playful games. (RECREATEing)
  • Creating environments that invoke smile, laughter and ease.
  • Singing and dancing while we perform.
  • Playing while we are creating so that we experience joy at all times.
  • Searching for the humor in  our life situations.
  • Laughing often to increase  our levels of joy.
  • We invite all to join us in these practices.


5 – Precision

Precision means to us that we choose to:

  • Practice keeping our attention on the details of  our heart-intentions, thoughts, words, and deeds.
  • Practice using numbers & specifics to enhance the clarity and accuracy of  our intentions, thinking, speech, and actions.
  • Quantify our communication especially those involving value(i.e money), times, dates, locations, weight, colors, tides, moons, etc.
  • Request that others use numbers in their communications with us.
  • We invite all to join us in this way of being.

6 – Generosity

We believe Generosity includes:

  • Allowing the divine to inspire us to give our gifts in abundance.
  • Acknowledging that we are a unique channel through which the DIVINE is allowing valuable Gifts and Talent to flow into the world.
  • Placing super high value on our and others Gifts and Talents.
  • Conditioning our Temple, ( i.e Mind, Body, and Emotions), so that increasing amounts of  our Gifts and Talent can flow through us.
  • Improving our communication so that we can improve the transference of gifts.
  • We invite all to join us in this way of being.


7 – Responsiveness

We believe that Responsiveness means to be capable responding to all:

  • Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional and Verbal requests within 3 seconds.
  • Business transactions within 24 hrs. (All relevant requests)
  • Requests from others to join us in this way of being.


8 – Commitment

For us Commitment means that we:

  • Execute the necessary actions until we have manifested  our Heart-Intentions OR Until we are dead… Whichever comes first.
  • Invest the Money, Time, and Energy necessary to create and fulfill our agreements.
  • Invite all to join us in this way of being.


9 – Courage

Courage means to us that we:

  • Listen to, and trust  our “Intuition” to reveal  our “Heart Intentions.”
  • Commit to consistently take actions to fulfill  our “Heart Intentions.”
  • Convert  our concerns into  our “Heart Intentions.”
  • Transmute the energy of “Fear” into “Courage.”
  • We invite all to take courageous action to fulfill their “Heart Intentions”.


10 – Loyalty

Loyalty means to us that we:

  • Choose to practice remaining faithful to our, core values, commitments and agreements as it fulfills our “Hearts-intentions”
  • Renew our level of faithfulness to our commitments and agreements.
  • Monitor our level of alignment with our “Hearts Intention” and Core Values.
  • Invite and create the space for all to join us in this way of being.


11 – Recovery

We believe that Recovery means that we:

  • Accept and see the benefit in the errors we make. (i.e. failing to achieve our Heart Intentions).
  • Shed light on our errors so that we can reveal their teachings. 
  • Forgive ourself and others for making errors. 
  • Adjust our thoughts and actions – we apply the lessons learned.
  • Invite and create the space for all to join us in this way of being.


12 – Compassion

Empathy means to us that we:

  • Tune into the feelings of those around us. We recognize them as truthful, yet separate. 
  • Accept others as they are. 
  • Allow our inner guidance to aid them on their journey.
  • Create the space for all to join us in this way of being.


13 – Unity

Unity means to us that we:

  • See that ALL is ONE and ONE is ALL; WE is I, I is WE.  Our greatness is determined by the greatness we see in others.
  • Praise the Divine in all creation.
  • Encourage ourself and others to experience the world through the lens of Oneness.
  • We choose to recognize the interconnectivity of all things and beings.
  • We invite and create the space for all to join us in this way of being


14 – High Performance

High Performance means to us that we:

  • Nurture/Nourish our “Temple”, (Mind, Body, Spirit) 
  • Commit to the guidance of our Heart Intentions to take persistent action.  
  • We create the space for all to join us in this way of being.