Evolved Life Magazine
Dear Nice Guy. You deserve to finish last.
Dear Nice Guy, I’ve got some news about you that you’re not going to like. All this time you thought you were good, but you’re actually disconnected, full of shit,...
Dear Nice Guy. You deserve to finish last.
Dear Nice Guy, I’ve got some news about you that you’re not going to like. All this time you thought you were good, but you’re actually disconnected, full of shit,...
Vulnerability is Terrifying . . . and Worth It
Before I get too entrenched in sharing the seemingly never-ending terrifying challenge that is “being vulnerable,” it might do us all some good to clarify exactly what I’m talking about....
Vulnerability is Terrifying . . . and Worth It
Before I get too entrenched in sharing the seemingly never-ending terrifying challenge that is “being vulnerable,” it might do us all some good to clarify exactly what I’m talking about....
Ruin, Heartbreak, and Failure
God, my heart breaks when people give up on themselves. I’m not talking about suicide. It’s the thousand little “giving ups” that make up life. I’ve been there so many...
Ruin, Heartbreak, and Failure
God, my heart breaks when people give up on themselves. I’m not talking about suicide. It’s the thousand little “giving ups” that make up life. I’ve been there so many...
A Moment of Eden
“And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of...
A Moment of Eden
“And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of...
The Intuition Driven Life
A dance with purpose. Someone asked me last week “What gets you up in the morning?” Let me catch you up. . . I’m not a person that jumps out of bed...
The Intuition Driven Life
A dance with purpose. Someone asked me last week “What gets you up in the morning?” Let me catch you up. . . I’m not a person that jumps out of bed...
OH so you’re doing just F.I.N.E.?
I hope you all had a relaxing and restful weekend! Ok so, I love going to the dentist. Seriously. It’s not so much the process of the metal ‘plaque attack’...
OH so you’re doing just F.I.N.E.?
I hope you all had a relaxing and restful weekend! Ok so, I love going to the dentist. Seriously. It’s not so much the process of the metal ‘plaque attack’...